Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jennifer shares one last story

Jennifer Cortes has worked at BRSHF for many years. As an undergraduate worker, she has worn many hats, from group therapy aide to individual ABA therapist working with children on the autism spectrum, to coordinating our front office, scheduling and billing. Unfortunately for us, Jennifer's last day was yesterday, as she is moving to Valdosta, GA to begin a Masters in Social Work in the Fall! Before she left, she shared this note about her experience here:

"I have been privileged to work with many of the children and families we serve at the Baton Rouge Speech and Hearing Foundatio, as both an ABA therapist and administrative assistant, and here is one of my stories:

One little boy whom I have worked with one-on-one for quite some time had been struggling to learn the skill "arms up." I kept trying to come up with ways to get him to learn this skill, such as holding candy above his head to get him to reach for it, or tickling the palms of his hand, which he loves, when he would even slightly lift his arms. One day when his mom came to pick him up, she mentioned that he likes to do twists off of the couch. I had never let him do flips in the room before, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, he would might go for it. Sure enough, it worked! During our ABA session the next day, I stood up, told him "arms up" and he stood up from his chair, took two steps towards me, and with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face, he lifted his arms as high as he could for me to pick him up! So, what did I do? I picked him up, threw him in the air, tickled him, and let him twist! I think he knew he got it right, and I was so proud of him I had tears in my eyes!"

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